Background: Butterfly Bridge Children’s Advocacy Center in Clanton Alabama offers a safe, child-friendly environment to children victimized by abuse or neglect and provides restoration and justice in their lives
Phase 2 included a state-of-the-art training and conference space for community trainings and outreach so children will be better protected in Chilton County. It will also serve partners in law enforcement, child protective services, medical, mental health, and prosecutors by providing a confidential space for collaborating together for child abuse case reviews to be sure all of the needs of the child/family are being met. Onsite forensic medical exam room will keep the families from having to travel to Jefferson or Montgomery counties to have access to the highly specialized medical services when abuse has occurred.
HFF funds were used for floor one of the new addition which includes some the construction of our MDT Conference/Training Space, medical exam room, and training tables and chairs.