Fulfill Societal Needs
The Holle Family Foundation feels a strong calling to care for those who cannot care for themselves. We look for nonprofits working to address the immediate and long-term needs of children, people with special needs, and those dealing with hunger or homelessness.
Verily I say unto you, in as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
Matthew 25:40
The Holle Family Foundation recognizes that there are many needs within our communities. However, due to the overwhelming need and the limited amount of resources, societal needs will be addressed primarily through donations to organizations previously funded by the Foundation. Proposals for grant funding will be accepted only for physical needs (repairs, renovations, new construction, equipment, and transportation, as examples) to nonprofits delivering programs that are addressing societal needs of a group of individuals who require specific assistance to move through society. Specific examples include equipment or structural needs for programs addressing child advocacy, individuals with disabilities, elder care, economic mobility, etc.
Opportunities for Achievement
We know that when individuals are able to achieve their personal and professional goals, they position themselves to positively affect their families, their communities, and society as a whole. We hope to improve our collective future by providing meaningful opportunities to individuals with limited resources. Because whether their goals are centered around academics or theology, music or art, it’s a noble pursuit to strive for growth.
Wisdom is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her.
Proverbs 3:15
Brigadier General Holle championed scholarship and pathways for everyone to experience economic mobility. While much of the funding available will be directed toward scholarship endowments in areas of known interest to Brig. Gen. Holle, grant proposals will be accepted for mentorships, internships, job-training programs, instructional equipment, and transportation.
Foster Future Leaders
The Holle Family Foundation believes that true leadership is born in service to others. That’s why we support organizations that involve children and young adults in service projects that teach leadership concepts and an appreciation of nature and our responsibility to the environment and to others. We want to inspire a new generation of leaders who are adventurous, empathetic, and endowed with self-worth.
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility, value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests, but each of you to the interests of others.
Philippians 2:3-4
Brigadier General Holle was a Scoutmaster for a local Boy Scout troop where he was adept at transferring leadership skills to Scouts participating in the program. Funding available under this category is specifically directed to encourage youth to participate in Scouting organizations such as Boy Scouts of America and Girl Scouts of the USA or other similar organizations. The Holle Family Foundation provides grant opportunities for Eagle Scout and Gold Award projects and is open only to Boy and Girl Scouts with an approved project by their respective organizations.
Celebrate History and Culture
Music, art, cuisine, customs, and other elements of culture all have an uplifting effect on the human condition. They connect disparate people, breed creativity, teach discipline, encourage connectivity, and promote a deeper appreciation for the skills and contributions of others. The Holle Family Foundation values the history and beauty of our communities. We support groups working to tell the stories of Alabama’s cultural contributions to the world.
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.
Philippians 4:8
Brigadier General Holle could oftentimes be found emceeing music events at local parks. He also had a profound appreciation for the City of Birmingham and its history. This grant category honors the spirit of Brig. Gen. Holle by supporting public programs focused on art and history.
Music/Visual Arts: Proposals funded under this initiative include sponsoring music and visual arts free-to-the-public events (example: symphony in the park) and providing scholarships to music programs for participants who would not otherwise be able to afford music training. All grant recipients must be 501(c)(3) organizations.
City of Birmingham History: Proposals funded under this initiative include museum or exhibit installations, publications, or other media focused on explaining and celebrating the history of Birmingham.
Access to the Outdoors
As a Scoutmaster, Brigadier General Holle introduced many youths to outdoor adventure and instilled in them an appreciation of the environment. Funding available under this initiative include programs that introduce the public to local habitats and outdoor opportunities, creation of trails or other opportunities whereby the public can discover nature, and, in specific cases, preservation or conservation of special environments only known to Alabama.
The Earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it on the seas and established it on the waters.
Psalm 24:1-2
As a Scoutmaster, Brigadier General Holle introduced many youths to outdoor adventure and instilled in them an appreciation of the environment. Funding available under this initiative include programs that introduce the public to local habitats and outdoor opportunities, creation of trails or other opportunities whereby the public can discover nature, and, in specific cases, preservation or conservation of special environments only known to Alabama.
Veteran Support
Serving in the Army National Guard, Brigadier General Holle had an opportunity to influence many under his command. With a deep respect for freedom and the cost of maintaining that freedom, Brig. Gen. Holle quietly assisted individual veterans in need. His act of kindness is honored by providing Middle Alabama Area Agency on Aging (M4A) with funds to address individual needs. Grants will be accepted from veteran organizations delivering services and support to individual veterans in need.
Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
1 John 15:13
Serving in the Army National Guard, Brigadier General Holle had an opportunity to influence many under his command. With a deep respect for freedom and the cost of maintaining that freedom, Brig. Gen. Holle quietly assisted individual veterans in need. His act of kindness is honored by providing Middle Alabama Area Agency on Aging (M4A) with funds to address individual needs.
Grants will be accepted from veteran organizations delivering services and support to individual veterans in need.